Friday, 28 July 2017

What type of snorer are you?

Let’s not pretend that snoring is ever pleasant, however, you’ve got to admit that certain snorers are worse, better or even more entertaining than others. Whether it’s you or one of your loved ones that snores, chances are the snorer has developed a bit of their own personal snoring style. We’ve made a list of some of the most common snoring sounds we’ve encountered.

The drumroller

The drumroller emits a deep, heavy rumbling sound as they snore. The rumbling gets louder and louder, almost as a drumroll warning people around that something’s coming. Unbenounced to the snorer, what’s coming just may be a kick in the shin from their partner.

The excited pig

If you’re an excited pig snorer, it means you’re bringing the full-on heavy snorts to the bedroom in a continuous hog-like frenzy. But it’s okay, because pigs are cute...right?

The whistler

If you’re a whistler, you tend to, well, whistle as you snore. While you’re inhaling into a grand crescendo and exhaling into a melodious, bird-like tune, your partner hears an obnoxious rumbling followed by an irritating wheezing. Too bad they can’t appreciate the fine music you’re creating.

The faulty engine

Ever have a car that would rumble and wheeze a bit before getting started? With some high-pitched rasps followed by some deep engine-like murmur, the faulty engine snorer offers a range of sounds that are guaranteed to keep listeners on their toes...and fully irritated.

As much as we like to poke fun at snorers, in all reality, snoring is far more than just an annoying habit. In many cases, snoring is a sign of additional health issues that, if left untreated, can be incredibly dangerous. If you’re considering investing in an anti-snore solution, check out this article on 10 reasons to get a no-snore mouthpiece.


Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Stop snoring and keep smiling: Common myths about mouthpieces and your teeth

Snoring is no fun for anyone. The rumbling cacophony emitted by those who snore keeps people who must sleep in the same bed with them awake and cranky.

One of the most effective ways to reduce snoring is a mouthpiece. But mouthpiece solutions are often rejected because of some common myths about hazards to your teeth. Let’s look at the most prevalent misconceptions about mouthpieces.

1. Discoloration

There is absolutely no truth to the assertion that wearing a mouthpiece to stop snoring will discolor your teeth. What stains your teeth are beverages like wine and coffee.

Before going to sleep, you should be thoroughly flossing and brushing your teeth to eliminate discoloration and to ensure that you’ve removed harmful bacteria. Cleaning your mouthpiece when it’s not in use and allowing it to dry on its own is also recommended.

Directions for cleaning and care of the Good Morning Snore Solution mouthpiece can be found in our FAQ section. You can also take your mouthpiece with you on your next visit to the dentist and ask that it be professionally cleaned and checked.

2. Tooth movement

Many believe that stop snoring mouthpieces will cause tooth movement. There is some truth to this, in that the bite may be somewhat altered in the morning, when a MAD (mandibular advancement device) is removed. But people who experience tooth movement generally have dental problems prior to using a mouthpiece.

While moderate alteration in the bite is entirely possible, sleep apnea patients wearing mouthpieces to prevent snoring need to consider the consequences of the untreated condition. These range from hypertension, to heart disease, to mood swings, to diabetes.

3. Muscle stiffness

If you’ve been sleeping without something in your mouth to prevent snoring your entire life, then it’s not surprising that your jaw may hurt for the first couple of days. It’s being held overnight in a position it’s not used to.

People embarking on an exercise routine experience much the same effect when putting dormant muscles to work. But if exercise is worth a couple of days of muscle stiffness, then so is a mouthpiece to address sleep apnea.

4. Jaw alignment

The introduction of a mouthpiece, worn 8 hours each day as you sleep, is believed by some to provoke permanent occlusion (re-positioning of the jaw). This effect is not the norm, but may be experienced by some long-term users.

This myth is like when your mother told you as a kid that your face would stay “that way” when contorted. If a permanent scowl is the expression in question, mom may have been right. But occlusion is not experienced by most people wearing mouthpieces.

The gentle alternative.

The Good Morning Snore Solution is a gentle alternative to the traditional MAD-style mouthpiece, which pushes the jaw forward. It’s a new way to solve the snoring conundrum that’s not made of the rigid plastic some find uncomfortable.

If you’re a man with a neck over 17” in circumference or a woman with a circumference of 16”, your risk for sleep apnea and associated health conditions is greatly increased.

With this revolutionary device, a more pliable material is used which stabilizes the tongue. Our "How It Works" videoexplains how this therapeutic alternative to CPAP avoids the problems associated with MADs and other stop snoring solutions.


Friday, 21 July 2017

Tackling sleep apnea with diet and lifestyle

The burgeoning obesity epidemic in Western nations generally and in the USA, particularly, is accompanied by an increase in people presenting with symptoms of sleep apnea.  Obesity is one of the primary indicators of the condition.

That’s why tackling sleep apnea with diet and lifestyle changes is becoming a favored strategy for confronting the problem.  In this post, we’re going to talk about how patients can help control sleep apnea and its devastating effect on their health by making changes to the way they eat and live.

Taking the pressure off.

Excess weight is a key indicator of sleep apnea.  Weight carried around the neck is especially dangerous, as fatty tissue in this area can contribute to blockage of the airway.  Neck circumference of more than 17” for men and 16” for women demands action to reduce weight.

Taking the pressure off your air passage is an important step toward improving or even eliminating sleep apnea.  Under the direction of a primary care giver, patients should increase their activity levels to recalibrate their metabolisms. Elevating metabolic levels enhances overall health and helps the body process food more efficiently.

Commensurate changes in diet will also help patients lose excess weight. That means avoiding foods high in salt, sugar, and fat.  Fast food and prepared foods are high in these ingredients, known to contribute to obesity.

Increasing the intake of fresh fruit, vegetables and grains and drinking water in the place of sugary soft drinks will assist in the project of losing the weight that’s contributing to sleep apnea.

A healthier lifestyle.

Sleep apnea patients should also consider key lifestyle changes to support the reduction of sleep apnea.  One of these is reducing or eliminating alcohol and/or drug consumption. Drugs like sleep aids relax the central nervous system, which causes the throat muscles to relax.  Alcohol has a similar effect. Avoiding them (especially in the evening hours) has been seen to positively impact the incidence of breathing cessation caused by sleep apnea.

Smoking cigarettes is another habit which can exacerbate sleep apnea.  Those who stop smoking report an immediate reduction in symptoms caused by the condition.  Cigarette smoking affects the circulatory and respiratory systems so seriously, that its exacerbating role is clear.  There’s no substance more difficult to quit than tobacco, but quitting has benefits which far outweigh that difficulty.

As noted earlier in this post, tackling sleep apnea with diet and lifestyle is a project to be undertaken under the care of a doctor.  Rapid shifts in diet and lifestyle are to be taken seriously.   By deliberately changing eating habits, increasing activity levels and reducing contributing behaviors, a gradual reduction in severity and eventual elimination of sleep apnea can be achieved.

If you or someone you know suffers from sleep apnea, or you suspect that’s the case, consult your physician.  This condition can lead to serious health issues affecting the heart, lungs and general health.  We strongly recommend seeking a diagnosis at your earliest opportunity.

Good Morning Snore Solution offers a comfortable, affordable therapeutic model to treat sleep apnea.


Monday, 17 July 2017

5 Sleep Apps You Should Consider Downloading Right Now

Whether you have full-blown insomnia or simply struggle to fall asleep at night, sleep troubles can greatly impact your daily life. As sleep issues are becoming increasingly more common, there are countless gadgets, trackers and monitors out there to help promote a better night’s sleep, many of which work very well. Here’s our list of some of the best sleep apps that require no additional clips, watches or hardware whatsoever; all you need is your phone!

Sleep Cycle continue to rave over the alarm clock app Sleep Cycle, as it takes a unique, scientific approach to waking you up the morning. Rather than waking you up at a specific time each day, Sleep Cycle allows you to set a 30 minute window, then using a built-in sleep tracker, the app waits until you’re sleeping lightest and then wakes you up. This ensures you not only feel far less groggy when your alarm goes off, but also makes it so you’re less likely to be interrupted during a stretch of deep sleep.

Sleep as Android Android users only, this sleep app offers similar alarm features as Sleep Cycle combined with a plethora of additional benefit. In addition to waking you up at the optimal time in your sleep cycle, Sleep as Android tracks sleep quality and monitors both snoring and sleep talking. In addition to these features, Sleep as Android also offers users a selection of soothing sounds and wake up tests to ensure you’ve actually woken up rather than hitting the snooze button in a sleepy haze.

Sleep, but effective, Sleep is one of the best apps out there for soothing sounds. For those struggling to fall asleep, Sleep provides a library of relaxing sounds and photographs. And the best part is, users can choose from a range of beats, white noises and music to customize their own tracks. In addition to calming sounds and images, Sleep features a gentle wakeup timer to ease you out of your sleep in the morning.

Sleep time+ asleep peacefully with a selection of soundscapes, and wake up with a rich understanding of your own sleep patterns with insights into your various sleep cycles. Sleep Time+ perfectly combines a sleep cycle alarm clock with sleep tracking and calming sounds.

Pillow iOS users only, Pillow syncs all data with iCloud and Apple Healthkit. With a smart alarm, sleep stats and natural, calming sounds, this app is another great option to help you in your pursuit for a better night’s sleep. As an added feature, Pillow allows for the option of recording your wake up mood or sleep notes once your alarm goes off.

Sadly, a good night’s sleep is not a perk that everyone enjoys. There are, however, many tools out there to help encourage your body to fall asleep and stay asleep. For some long term solutions to your sleep problems, read 3 Ways to Improve Your Sleep.


Friday, 7 July 2017

Put It In | Stop Snoring Start Living

Something provocative is happening in the bedroom. This happy couple is about to enjoy a very special night, with a little help from their favorite soft plastic device.

Snoring isn't sexy. Share your stories about life (and love) after snoring on social media with the hashtag #StopSnoringStartLiving.


Tuesday, 4 July 2017

5 common signs of sleep apnea you should know about

Responsible for health risks as wide-ranging as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and obesity, sleep apnea is not to be taken lightly.  80% of cases go undiagnosed.  Please see your doctor if you’re experiencing these 5 common signs of sleep apnea.


1. Snoring

Snoring is the subject of jokes and the cause of domestic strife everywhere.  It keeps the partners of snorers awake at night.  It rattles the walls.  It’s not a pleasant addition to any household.

But snoring is also one of the most common of the 5 common signs of sleep apnea.  When breathing is impeded due to a blockage or obstruction of the airway, snoring results.  Some who snore swear up and down they don’t.  They’re blissfully unaware of their nocturnal noisemaking, even when they’re told they’re keeping others awake at night.

But what you don’t know can hurt you. If you’re a nightly snorer, learn more about the negative effects of snoring check in with your doctor.


2. Chronic Fatigue

Even if you believe you’re getting enough sleep, if you have sleep apnea the breathing cessations associated with the condition mean you’re getting a lot less quality pillow time than you might think.

If you find that you’re unaccountably sleepy during the day, it may be because the breathing cessation provoked by sleep apnea is robbing you of the kind of nightly rest you need to feel your best during the day.

Although it may seem trivial, your sleepiness can mean dangerous driving and accidents in the workplace, so it’s important you investigate the cause.


3. Morning headaches

Multiple events of breathing cessation can cause vascular (originating in the blood vessels) headaches.  When your circulatory system isn’t being fed by the oxygen it needs because of repeated nocturnal sleep apnea events, blood vessels constrict.

That morning headache you’re waking up with far too often can be a sign that you need to discuss sleep apnea with your doctor.


4. High blood pressure

Multiple events of breathing cessation can cause vascular (originating in the blood vessels) headaches.  When your circulatory system isn’t being fed by the oxygen it needs because of repeated nocturnal sleep apnea events, blood vessels constrict.

That morning headache you’re waking up with far too often can be a sign that you need to discuss sleep apnea with your doctor.


4. Weight Problems

There is a strong link between sleep apnea and excess weight, or obesity.  An accumulation of fatty tissues in the neck can be the cause of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), in which these tissues block the passage of air to your lungs.

If you’re a man with a neck over 17” in circumference or a woman with a circumference of 16”, your risk for sleep apnea and associated health conditions is greatly increased.

If you suspect you have sleep apnea, please see your doctor to discuss treatment options or learn more about the benefits of stop snoring mouthpiece
